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Ryan Coogler Explain Bucky’s Absence From Black Panther

Warning : Black Panther spoilers ahead

Marvel’s latest addition to the MCU, Black Panther is breaking a lot of records. The film has a lot of characters from the Marvel Comics but fans have been asking about what happened to Bucky Barnes? Last people saw him was in Civil War’s end credit scenes at Wakanda.

Bucky's Absence From Black Panther

Some fans have been questioning the decision to not include Winter Soldier in the Black Panther. Worry not, Director Ryan Coogler has your answer. In a recent interview with Empire Film Podcast, Ryan Coogler talked about his decision to not include Bucky in the movie. He said :

“Bucky would have horrible PTSD, he would need spiritual guidance. The last thing he would need to do is jump into that Civil War, and so that was kind of the thought process there. And it could be potentially problematic if it’s a bunch of Africans fighting and you bring in a White dude, he comes in shootin’ people (laughs). We were aware of that. Bucky’s not trained to neutralize people peacefully, he’s an assassin. We were like, ‘I don’t know if we can do that…”

While Bucky was not in the movie, a post credit scene of the film revealed that T’Challa’s sister Shuri was working to undo what HYDRA had done to him. And from the looks of it, Bucky is finally out of it.

With Black Panther released, fans have huge expectations from Marvel’s next release Infinity War. Avengers: Infinity War will release on May 4, 2018

Source: Empire