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Try This New Smaller Map On PUBG – 4X4 KM Island Map (SAVAGE)

PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS developers have released a new smaller map as a beta test. According to their official blog is almost ready for playing and just needs some improvements to make it even better. Starting right now, you can sign up for access to the new 4X4 KM Island Map (Codename: Savage) closed experimental server by heading over to this website.

New Smaller Map On PUBG - 4X4 KM Island MapOnce you get your key, you have to activate it via Steam. Heads up that the codes distributed through this site will only work if you already own a copy of the original game on Steam.

The first test will run from 7pm PDT on April 2nd (today) until 4am PDT on April 5th. We’ll let you know when we’ve decided the dates for the second round of testing. {o:p}

This 4x4km Island map is the smallest map until now and will create much more intense game-play and a fast-paced Battle Royale experience. This new smaller map is going to give the game a much needed reduction of total game time and improve the sense of boredom for the map to close in.

They are not letting everyone in, and only have a limited number of keys to distribute during the development phase.


To claim your beta code, you must link your Steam account and need to own PUBG on Steam and your profile must be set to public during this process.