It’s not just the actors and directors that work together to make Game of Thrones great. The cast and crew members of Game of Thrones have been nominated for a total of 22 emmy nominations this year. That is the most number of nominations for any show this year.
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Among the nominees are the production and costume designers Deborah Riley and Michele Clapton. During a recent interview with Indiewire, they talked about the symbolism behind the costumes and sets of season 7. Clapton said:
It was the first time that I could remember that Dany had put herself in danger that is not necessarily for personal gain, so the white was this sense of purity. It had an honesty to it…she has fallen in love with Jon.
Making the white coat was not that easy for the team. A lot of thought went into it before making the final product. Clapton explained how every part of the coat was supposed to mean something:
Once we found the most effective way to do this each panel of the coat was created and then molded onto a base for strength. This whole structure was then mounted on to a corset-like base to make it secure and flattering. It is essential that a costume fit the actor perfectly and allow them to move with ease. The back panel was faux fur that we cut into to create the idea of a dragons back. It all took a very long time.
Even the sets were made after putting an equal amount of thought into it. One such set was the Dragonstone throne room. Deborah Riley explained what the triangle around the throne was supposed to mean:
The triangle with the top lopped off was a shape that became a very repeatable symbol of power and allowed the space to look like it was standing on its tippy-toes in an uncomfortable defiance of gravity. There was nothing that felt welcoming about the space, it spoke only of ambition with all of the focus towards the throne.
Clapton has won three Emmys for Game of Thrones so far, and won another for The Crown. No wonder the costumes and sets are so great.
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