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Best Low Cap Altcoins to Buy in 2021 : [June]

Best low cap altcoins 2021 buy elongate

Cryptocurrency is where everyone is right now. The digital currency, powered by blockchain technology has changed the way people look at currencies these past few years. As digital currency gains more traction in the market, new currencies are available for people to put their money on.

While Bitcoin and Ethereum are the safest bet in crypto market at the moment, their extremely high price and market capitalization does not make it the ideal investment for short term gains. Holding these long term would bring the best results. But what if someone does not want to wait for years to get 10x returns?

If high risk, high reward is what you are looking for in your crypto investments, then you should probably look at shitcoins. A shitcoin is a cryptocurrency with little or no value, usually having no purpose. Why would anyone want to invest in these coins then? Simply because they are a high risk, high reward bet.

Shitcoins are dependent on their communities , and hype to grow. The perfect example of a shit coin is DogeCoin, which recently went up by 400% in a week. Such coins are hard to identify, but if discovered , they could make you very rich, very quick.

These shitcoins can be a bit hard to buy for a new investor, so please follow this guide on how to buy Binance smart chain tokens if you are facing issues with it.

So here is a list of best shitcoins/ Low cap Altcoins to put $20 in at the moment.

4. ElonGate


On March 25th 2021, Elon Musk tweeted that if there were a scandal about him, it should be called “ElonGate”. This tweet is what the developers of elongate used to build upon and create a new con which they call as the ‘Gateway between crypto and charity’.

Website :

ELONGATE is a frictionless, high-yield, deflationary token on the Binance Smart Chain. A 10% transaction fee rewards holders and donates significant sums to charity. Binance Smart Chain Token Address : 0x2A9718defF471f3Bb91FA0ECEAB14154F150a385

Coin Market Cap :

Reddit community :

3. Shiba Token

Shiba token

The SHIB is an experiment in decentralized spontaneous community building. The coin is up 2500% this week.

SHIB is an experiment in decentralized spontaneous community building. SHIB token is our first token and allows users to hold Billions or even Trillions of them. Nicknamed the DOGECOIN KILLER, this ERC-20 ONLY token can remain well under a penny and still outpace Dogecoin in a small amount of time (relatively speaking). Popular worldwide, and already up thousands of percent, Shiba token ($Shib) is the first cryptocurrency token to be listed and incentivized on ShibaSwap, our decentralized exchange.

They have locked the 50% of the total supply to Uniswap. The remaining 50% was burned to Vitalik Buterin and they were the first project following this path, so everyone has to buy on the open market, ensuring a fair and complete distribution where developers don’t own team tokens they can dump on the community.

Website :

ERC20 Token Address : 0x95aD61b0a150d79219dCF64E1E6Cc01f0B64C4cE

Coin Market Cap :

Reddit community :

2. Hoge


Hoge is the first of its kind. It is a Defi token, meaning for every transaction, 1% is burned forever, and another 1% is distributed amongst the people who have stored their hoge coins in a wallet. The community is very similar to Doge, but has one advantage to it. For every passing minute, 10,000 doge coins are created, while the total circulating supply of Hoge is decreased with each transaction.

Memes. Deflationary. Autostaking. Community.

Website :

ERC20 Token Address : 0xfAd45E47083e4607302aa43c65fB3106F1cd7607

Coin Market Cap :

Reddit community :

1. SafeMoon


Safemoon is also a defi token, like Hoge. The community is strong and tokenomics look good so far.

The SafeMoon Protocol is a community driven, fair launched DeFi Token. Three simple functions occur during each trade: Reflection, LP Acquisition, & Burn. It has risen quite a lot over the last month, so there is possibility of a correction in the short term, but due to it’s strong community and hype we believe it has room to grow further if the market remains bullish.

Website :

Binance Smart Chain Token Address : 0x8076c74c5e3f5852037f31ff0093eeb8c8add8d3

Coin Market Cap :

Reddit Community :

Disclaimer : This is not a financial advice, as we are not licensed to give advice. Please do your due diligence before buying these coins.