If you’re a Harry Potter fan, you might want to look at your book collection after reading this article. One of those prestigious books could fetch you a fortune at an auction.
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An old hardcover copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the original price of which is $1.80 is expected to fetch more than $50,000 at auction. This first edition could be in anyone’s collection, since it was distributed to schools and libraries. There are only 500 copies of this book in the world.
The owner of one of these books found it in the back of a cupboard after buying it more than 20 years ago. This hardcover copy contains two typos – First is an error in the spelling of the word philosopher and the other is the repetition of ‘1 wand’ in the list of equipment for Harry’s first year.
Jim Spencer, a Hansons Auctioneers expert on rare books called the book as “the holy grail of Harry Potter books.”
The book is up for auction on July 31 in London. Coincidently, it is the same day as Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling’s birthday.
Check if you have this book in your collection. You might make a fortune out of it.
Image: Hansons
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